Sunday, July 17, 2011

Europe Bound

In about 8 hours we will be on a plane heading to London!!  We have been planning and talking about this European vacation we are taking with Kole's family for about a year now and I can't believe we are leaving tonight! I'm a little anxious about the overnight flight with Payton as she's not a great airplane sleeper, but we have Grandma and Benadryl (don't worry we cleared with her pediatrician first) so we will survive!

 I'm SO proud of the picture above, that is all the luggage we are taking for the 3 of us for 2 weeks (plus the stroller that's in the car)!! See I am a "just in case" and "what if" packer, so I tend to always over pack. I've accepted this fact and always have everything I might possibly need when I travel. However, when I travelled to Thailand 5 years ago I was that American dragging my two huge bags from place to place, regretting every minute of it. So when I started thinking through what I wanted to pack for our trip I got organized (via excel, yes I created a spreadsheet!) and packed as strategically and minimally as possible. My goal was to pack so that the two of us could carry everything and I succeeded! Payton definitely has the most stuff (the blue bag), of course.

We flew in to Chicago yesterday to stay the night and Kole's buddies (see previous post), Aunt Lana, Uncle Jerry, Marin and Finley came to visit and see us off. Payton had a ball with the girls, they are so sweet to her.

The girls had a blast jumping on the bed, we couldn't get Payton off! They went swimming and we ate pizza, such a fun night!!

All the jumping made Grandma Lana nervous!

Finley (3), Marin (5), Payton (15 months)

1 comment:

  1. Shannon - Your packing is amazing! I can't believe that is all you are taking with a baby..can you please teach me your ways! Tyler would appreciate it for sure! Have a great trip, can't wait to hear about it!
