Saturday, July 2, 2011

Pool Fun

 Last Friday we met Jenn & Eli and Melissa & Madi at the Broomfield Bay. The Bay is a small aquatic park that is 5 minutes from our house and is a great way to spend a hot day. We got off to a rough start, Payton got sunscreen in her eye and was miserable for the first half of the day, and Eli was teething and neither kid wanted anything to do with the water. Madi was of course fine.

 Poor baby, her eye was blood shot and she kept squinting, I'm sure it was burning.

If you look closely, Eli is asleep in the bundle of towel behind Payton.


 I managed to get her eye rinsed and after lunch she perked up.

 True Payton form, happier to play with strangers then hang out with mom. She was loving being the center of attention in this group of older kids. They were really sweet to her and played with her for a while.

Trying to get a picture of the kids was no easy task. In this one Payton has just stolen Eli's pacifier and he is trying to get it back.

The second half of the day was much better, Eli had a nap and Payton's eye was sunscreen free so we got back in the pool and the kids were having a ball, and all of 10 minutes later they closed the pool for their daily safety check. Awesome. We packed up and headed home as it was nap time.

Thursday I worked from home and Lexi came to play with Payton and help me so I could get some work done. I took a break around lunch time to hang out with them in the pool. Lexi took these pictures of Payton.

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