Sunday, October 23, 2011

18 Months

I'm sure I say it every time, but I can't believe our little girl is a year and a half! As busy as a stage as we are in with miss Payton, it is the most rewarding so far. We are enjoying watching her learn new things every day and our conversations with her are the best!

Payton Audrey @ 18 Months

Height: 33 inches ~ 86th percentile - her pediatrician thinks she will be on the taller side
Weight: 24 pounds 4 ounces ~ 50th percentile

Her doctor said she looks great and mentioned that her communication skills were pretty advanced for her age. Not a surprise since she talks nonstop! She got 3 shots and is all up to date with the ones we are giving her at this point. She was NOT happy about getting shots, she really got upset and I had to physically hold her down so the nurse could give them to her. She spent the next couple of days telling everyone about the "owies" on her legs. We could be in trouble at the next appointment.

She's still a good eater for the most part and continues to eat a great breakfast and lunch and not much dinner. She has started asking for foods by name and will turn down the ones she doesn't love. She is starting to be picky sometimes, but we try not to give in.

She's had some rough nights the last couple of weeks as she has 4 teeth trying to make her way in, she seems to be on the mend though and I can see that 3 of them have finally broken the surface. Naps have been a bit of a challenge as the transition from one to two during the day has been ROUGH for her. She won't go down for a second nap, but doesn't sleep long enough during the one she does take so we have had lots of 7:00pm bedtimes recently. She'll sleep until about 7-7:30 in the morning so for that we are thankful. Hopefully she figures out the one nap thing soon as we are all a little tired of the cranky afternoon/evenings.

As I mentioned before, she is talking up a storm, way too many words to document, but I will list some of my current favorites.
heaby = heavy
uh don know = I don't know
Toda = Koda
Whywee = Ryleigh
yuv you = love you
tee tee= TV
it happen = what happened?
bun = fun
bone = phone
where did it go?
uh poop = I pooped

I'm sure there are others, but I can't think of them right now. She will repeat anything we ask her too, but hasn't started repeating these we say to each other. We have started to watch what we say in front of her though

Things I want to remember:
You yell "go, go, go" at the TV when football is on
You are obsessed with bunnies and we have to look for them everywhere we go
You started swim lessons again, the first one was rough, but you had a ball the second time
We rock before bed for a minute most nights and in the pitch black you will lift your head up find my face and give me a kiss, right on the lips, it melts my heart
You LOVE the movie Tangled and have watched it countless times, especially in the car on longer road trips
You love your mommy and daddy and prefer us right now, which is really sweet, most of the time
You love other kids, especially ones that are older than you and you will copy everything they do
You talk about the baby in my tummy and give him/her kisses all the time, I think you will like being a big sister
Your uncle Josh is your favorite person, you ask for him every day
You love to read books, listen to music and dance
Every day you make us smile, laugh, sigh, and remind us what's important in life
The next post you will be 2 years old and most likely a big sister, we can't believe it!

We love you Payton Audrey, happy 18 Months!!!

(photos courtesy of Jenn, a whole different post!)

18 Months
1 year ago, 6 Months

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