Sunday, October 23, 2011


A couple Fridays ago we met Papa at one of the big pumpkin patches near us. The weather was perfect and the place was pretty quiet, it seemed like we had the patch to ourselves! Payton wasn't too sure at first, but warmed up quickly to the idea and had fun exploring the farm.

Looking for the perfect carving pumpkin

Picked out a little one she liked

The pumpkin patches in CO all have great views of the Mountains

This may have been her favorite part of the trip, she wanted to go again and again...

Thanks Papa, it was the perfect way to spend a fall Friday afternoon, we love you!

Last weekend we met Marjie and Lex at another pumpkin patch in the area. Payton asked for Papa as soon as we pulled in to park and she figured out where we were going. I think she may have thought Papa lived at the pumpkin patch, it was pretty cute!

It was again a beautiful fall Sunday afternoon and she really enjoyed the animals, especially the bunnies (she is obsessed), the pumpkins, but wasn't thrilled about getting her picture taken. Lex and I have been to the pumpkin patch together so many Halloweens and I love that she likes to take Payton now.

Marjie and Lex helped us find the perfect pumpkin

She tried so hard to pull the wagon, it didn't budge

Family pic attempt

This was at the same pumpkin patch on the same hail bail, this time last year.

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