Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Flower Girl

Kole's cousin Cary and her fiance Todd got married in Estes Park, CO and asked Payton to be the Flower Girl in their wedding. I forgot how beautiful Estes is, it's been several years since I have been up there. The wedding was the weekend after Memorial weekend which we had spent in Keystone so we packed the kids up again to head out for the weekend. The back of our Rav4 was completely full both weekends, I cannot believe how much stuff it takes for a 2 year old and a 2 month old for just a weekend! Lot's of Kole's family made the trip for the big day and Grandma, Grandpa, Great Grandma, Uncle Kyle and Aunt Suzie came a few days ahead of time to visit and stay with us. We had a houseful, but it was lots of fun and Payton loved having so many of her people around.

Would love to know what they were chatting about...

Rehearsal - she didn't really rehearse much before the wedding, but she thought it was pretty cool to be a part of the "important crowd"

This picture cracks me up, she was standing there listening to the wedding planner like she knew what she was doing. The site for the ceremony was right in front of Standley Hotel, it was absolutely gorgeous.

All dressed for the big event. We got her dress at David's Bridal and I (with the help of Sarah, Grandma Audrey, Aunt Suzie, and Janaan) made her sash. Her (real) pearl bracelet is from Papa, this is the first time she has been able to wear it without it being too lose and me worried it would fall off.

Grant enjoying the accommodations of the Presidential Suite at the Standley

Getting her rose petals, I think this is where it began to all come together for her, we had a quick practice of dropping petals as she walked around the hotel lobby and she was ready for the big show.

She walked down the aisle with the ring bearer throwing her petals, and went and stood with the Maid of Honor. We were so proud (and incredibly relieved) that she did so well

She did great until about the last few minutes of the ceremony, she started playing with her basket and putting it on her head. When she looked around for approval she was met with Grandpa shaking his head back and forth which only instigated further basket playing, she would put it on her heard or over her face and say pretty loudly "like this?". It was pretty funny and hopefully not too disruptive for Cary and Todd

Totally worn out by such a huge responsibility, she was so exhausted we didn't even make it to dinner at the reception. Oh well, she did a great job and such is life with two little ones.

Checking out the band
Best family pic we could get

Wedding party shots on the front porch as some serious weather moved in right as the ceremony wrapped up, I took a few through the window

Handsome boy in his tie

Thank you Cary and Todd for inviting us to be a part of your special day, I hope it was all you dreamed and thanks to Kole's fam for making it possible for us to be there with out totally losing our minds. We love you!!

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