Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Two Months

On June 5th the little man turned 2 months! Our second month was a bit easier then the first month, but still just as chaotic. We got more sleep in the second month which helped immensely, and we all figured out life with two little ones a little bit more. Our doctor did put him on some medicine for his reflux and it definitely decreased the amount of spit up, but not sure it helped the pain he seems to be in immediately after eating. He hates it and has gotten to the point where he knows it's coming and fights us, I tasted it to see what all the fuss was about and I can't blame him, it's pretty gross. We're getting closer to the sleep-eat-play routine that we like to have, but no where near an actual schedule, which is to be expected. Hopefully by 3 months we will have settled in to a more regular schedule. Payton still loves him and is very sweet and mostly gentle with him. She still think he always needs a paci and let's us know when he is crying. He's pretty sweet and seems to be a little more laid back then his big sis, but time will tell...
Grant Robert @ 2 months:
Measurements: 11 pounds 6 ounces - 23rd percentile, 23 inches- 87th percentile, so he is long and lean! I was surprised at where he fell on the chart for weight because he has rolls on his legs, but I guess he is just long
Sleep: at night he is sleeping from about 8:30ish until 4-5, we had several mornings in the 5 o'clock hour and thought we were home free, but it was just a fluke it's much more common to be up around 4am, which is about the works time for me because it's too early to get up for the day, but too close to 6am to go back to sleep, I always end up feeling really groggy in the mornings. Hopefully 5am will become the norm soon as I am just fine with sleeping soundly until then and then getting up to start my day. He will take some regular naps around 1-1/2 hours a couple of times a day and is doing better at taking at least one in his bed
Eating: he is still eating every 2 hours during the day and our doctor said it was time to start stretching him to 3 hours, I was much better about making Payton wait, but will work on it with him. He still nurses mostly, but takes a bottle at night and when I am gone. He will drink formula too, we sometimes give him that at night so he is used to it later, but it doesn't seem to help him sleep any longer
Tricks: He started smiling on purpose and cooing right around 6 weeks and seems to do both more each day. When he does figure out how to control his voice he is pretty loud, looks like we're in for 2 chatty kids. His hair still stands straight up most of the time and he doesn't seem to be losing a ton of it and his eyes are still pretty blue. Payton gets the biggest smiles and he will look all around a room to find her when he hears her voice, it's pretty cute.

Comparison at 2 months

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