Tuesday, July 17, 2012

4th of July Fun

We had a really nice 4th of July. After getting up in the morning we took the kids for a walk to Starbucks and Einstein Bros for coffee and bagels and stopped and let Payton play at the park on the way home. So fun to be off together on a weekday!

After nap we headed for Papa's house for a bbq lunch and yard games, only a few though as it was hot! We had a great time relaxing and visiting with the family and Sarah and Mike.

The kids in their red, white and blue, hanging with Uncle Steven

Lex joined us for the day and even spent the night, she got some great pictures of the kids while she was with us. We love having her around, Payton adores her and she's a huge help with the kids

See? :)

We went straight from my dad's to the Sells for more bbq fun. Payton loves playing with Madi and they had a little bouncy castle, pool and mister (see Payton trying it out above) set up for the kids to play in.

Such sweet friends, they live in the neighborhood which just makes it perfect to hang out!

After Payton had as much fun as a 2 year old can, we took her home put she and Grant to bed and had the family and Mike and Sarah over to watch the Broomfield fireworks which we can see from out deck. We assumed the show would be canceled due to the wildfires raging across the Front Range, but we lucked out. Payton has yet to see any fireworks as she still goes to bed long before it's dark. Hopefully next year she can make it or maybe we can go wake her up for the show! We were all wiped out by the time we crawled into bed, but it was a great day spent with family and friends!

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