Sunday, July 22, 2012

1st Haircut

Aunt Kelsey gave Grant his first haircut! He wasn't even 3 months old, but his hair-do was a little out of control. It took all of 5 minutes and it wasn't even enough hair to save for a baby book, but he looks so much better. He had no idea what was going on, but made it hard on Kelsey as he is very ticklish. Anytime he felt the scissors on his neck he scrunched his whole body.
Before - see the hair hanging over his ears!?

After - so handsome!!

She trimmed up his long sides, front and the little tail he was working on in the back

I have no idea why I can't get the pictures to turn, we took them on an iPhone and emailed them to me and I'm not able to turn them. Oh well, you can still see the finished product. Obviously, Grant approved!

Thanks Aunt Kelsey, we love you!!

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