Sunday, July 22, 2012

3 Months

Grant turned 3 months old on July 5th. Time is truly flying by and we are enjoying life with two little ones (most of the time). Grant continues to be a very different baby then Payton was, I try not to compare them, but it's hard not too since she was in these same stages just 2 short years ago. Payton still adores her little brother and is very sweet with him. She asks to hold him most days and she is always hugging and kissing him and lying on the floor playing with him. It's really sweet to see. This month I settled in to working, a totally different experience this time around. I am still enjoying my job and it was nice to get back, I am forever thankful that I work for a company that is flexible and understanding that I have a family. I don't know how I got so lucky. Keeping up with the kids, work, the hubby, the house, and friends and family is a lot harder then I though it was going to be, but I am learning to say no, let things go, and working on being more present, and in the moment instead of worrying about everything I could/should be doing. I have two days every week that I spend home with kids and while I am more exhausted those days then any other I am cherishing that time.

Grant, 3 months           Payton, 2 years

Grant Robert @ 3 months

Measurements: none this month, next appointment is at 4 months so we will see how much he has grown. He did move in to 3-6 month or 6 month (depending on the brand) clothing so I know he is growing. Still in a 1-2 diaper, I think we will be moving on to a 2 shortly
Eating: He is eating every 3 hours during the day - this was a huge accomplishment and took quite a bit of work, but we made it. He's still getting up once during the night to eat. He nurses or takes a bottle just fine. He seems to be outgrowing his reflux, he will go a whole week without needing any medicine, yay for that!
Sleeping: He is a great sleeper at night, he'll eat around 7:30 and go to bed shortly after and usually makes it until 3:30-4:30 before eating again. Often he will wake up before then and stir and fuss, but he will settle back down with a few pats and a pacifier and will usually sleep another 1 1/2 to 2 hours. During the day is a different story, he is a 30 minute power napper which makes it really hard to keep any sort of schedule, he often ends up tired again when it's time to eat so it makes it tough. Also, he does not go to sleep by himself, no matter what we try. He just screams unless you rock/bounce/shh/pat him. We are working on this though. So a goal for 4 months is for Grant to fall asleep on his own, and take longer naps during the day
Tricks: aside from when he is tired and fighting sleep he is a very happy, smiley baby. He'll smile for anyone, but Payton gets the biggest grins. He still follows her voice and looks around for her if she is in the room. He is very vocal, and pretty loud. He squeals quite a bit when talking to us or when he is playing with toys. He's really good at grabbing things and putting them in his mouth, I think it's a sign of things to come. I don't know if he will be as verbal as Payton, but I think he is going to give her a run for her money. He laughs quite a bit too, which is just the greatest sound, especially at Payton.

We love you little man!!

A few videos of Grant "talking"

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