Thursday, June 14, 2012

Weekend Getaway

We spend Memorial Day weekend up in Keystone at our family condo. It was 3 days and 3 nights of relaxation that we didn't know we desperately needed. The weather was a little on the cool side, but it was sunny and beautiful and quiet! We took full advantage of my mom, sister and Josh who were so gracious to lend helping hands throughout the weekend. All the pics are from phones so the quality isn't the greatest, but still captured the moments.
Sunday we took a hike with my mom, somehow she managed to avoid the camera though. This was Payton's first ride in a backpack, she was excited about it, but after about a minute in the confining contraption she wanted out. We ignored her pleas and began our hike, she settled right in and ended up loving every minute of it! Grant slept the whole time on me in the front pack.

We had the pool and hot tub all to ourselves each time we went. Payton did really well, going under and becoming more independent in the water.
Grant's first swim, he didn't leave the first step, but he was pretty content in the water despite the fact that the temperature was much cooler then that of his bath water.

Trying out her new goggles from Nana, she thought they were pretty neat!

Enjoying a treat from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, courtesy of Aunt Kelsey and Uncle Josh

One of our wonderful walks we took to the Keystone Village for dinner

Enjoying the creek, Pepper joined us for the weekend too
By Monday afternoon Kels, Josh and my mom headed back down the mountain and only the four of us remained. We stayed an extra night to head down Tuesday morning and avoid getting stuck in Memorial Day traffic. We missed our company, but managed to have an incredible day as a family of four. After nap we strolled down to River Run, only to find it was closed for mud season so we jumped on the shuttle and rode back to the village, where we had our second meal at the pizza place that overlooks the lake. Payton loved our ride on the "big bus" and you couldn't beat the view from our late afternoon dinner, it was so peaceful.

baby geese, we got to feed them and Payton was thrilled

Grant enjoyed dinner from his seat as it was pretty windy, he's sporting Payton's USC hat in honor of Uncle Brian!

A very big thanks to my mom for inviting us to crash her weekend getaway, it was just what we needed!

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