Sunday, January 9, 2011

9 Months

This past Thursday, January 6th, Payton Audrey turned 9 months old. She's really starting to transition from baby to toddler. I'll keep this post short as there are many pictures. I was only going to post a couple, but decided to post them all as it's a pretty good overall picture of the personality of our baby girl. She keeps us pretty entertained!
Payton @ 9 Months
Measurements: Don't have any to report this month, not sure when we go back to the doctor, but she is still growing, right past 6-9 month clothing and into 12-18 month clothing as a matter of fact!
Sleep: Still sleeping through the night, a little more soundly now that she is on the go and past 5:30 am which mom and dad are thankful for! Still two 1-2 hour naps.
Food: Will eat anything we give her, but getting a little bored with baby food which has made for some interesting times. She can pick things up off her tray and eat them, but if it's not dry like her cheerios or puffs then she gets distracted by how it feels in her hands and it never makes it to her mouth. She'll eat anything we're eating off our fork and would prefer it, I think. I'm not ready to move past baby food totally though so she gets a combination of things. She takes 4 bottles a day and has one week left of mom's stored milk (one bottle a day). Hard to believe she'll be on regular milk soon...
Teeth: Still just the two on the bottom, she's been chewing on her tongue quite a bit and drooling a little so maybe more are on the way.
New tricks: Crawling everywhere, quickly! Pulling up and walking around anything she can, climbing up stairs, and then falling down them, trying to mimic things we do with our hands and face, talking in full sentences (only she can understand)
Happy 9 months baby girl, you know we love you!!

Getting annoyed at me

"Ooo that's cool" - Janaan's favorite, she does this when she's watching us do something
Genuine smile
Forced because I think that's what you want me to do smile

I'm too cool for this

Are you watching??

I'm so proud of myself

You're so proud of me too!

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