Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Typical" Week

 After ringing in 2011 I decided I wanted to blog about a "typical" week these days in our household. I'm not very good at traveling around in house and out with my camera in tow so I made a special effort and captured some pictures. The pictures and happenings in this post happened a little over the course of a week, 10 days to be exact.

I know I only think I am busy now, we hope to have siblings for Payton one day and I'm sure I'll look back and laugh at how busy I thought I was with just one!

 Friday - Big D and Little T spend every other Friday with Payton and I, there are such sweet baby's and Payton acts like a little momma when they are around. I have to watch her pretty closely though, we're working on the concept of being gentle.

 Until the boys are a little older and further along post-op (they both underwent open heart surgery about 4 weeks ago!!) I plan to stick around the house on the Fridays they come to play. This particular Friday I loaded all the babies in the Pilot and drove to visit Amber at work. They did great, I was exhausted though! It was nice to visit with Amber and to watch her coworkers ooo and ahh over the boys and I got to see a few friendly faces as well. (Amber works for the company I left in October)

3 car seats fit quite well in my backseat! Payton happy to be getting out of the house with her little buddies.

 Not so happy a couple of hours later being overdue for a nap. The boys were crying too, but I didn't have the heart to take the time to take a picture and subject them to the torture a minute longer. Within a few minutes after pulling out of the parking lot all three babes were sound asleep and it was a quiet peaceful hour-long drive home.

 Saturday - The Trujillos (Matt, Jenn, Ashtyn 2 1/2, Eli 7 months) came for dinner. We get together quite a bit for dinner and it was our turn to host. Eli and Payton had fun playing and Payton enjoyed watching Ashtyn, she's memorized by kids who are older then her. The Trujillos are such great friends and we always enjoy spending time with them.
 Sunday - Payton's first swim lesson Sunday afternoon

 Straight to Kelsey and Josh's after swimming for dinner to celebrate Papa's (my dad) birthday

 It's really quite strange, but if there is a beer bottle or can to be found, Payton will choose it over any toy. I think it's because she sees all of us with them and thinks there must be something wonderful inside.

Monday - My day to catch up on cleaning, laundry, work emails, etc. until we leave at 3pm to pick up Lexi from school and spend a couple of hours hanging out
Tuesday - Work (spend an hour with the twins when I get home before Amber does)
Wednesday - Work, pick up Lexi, dinner with Florida family at my mom's, Lexi spends the night since Marjie is travelling. Wednesdays are my busy days, sometimes when I get to work I feel like I have already put in a full day as I have: gotten my self up and ready for work, taken care of the dogs, gotten Payton up and ready, work for a couple of hours, get myself and Payton out of the house and drop Payton at Kelsey's and get to work and it's only 10:30 or 11am! Kole plays bball and I play soccer Wed. nights, some times it's terrible timing.
Thursday - Drive Lexi to school in North Boulder, come home to work as our nanny had the flu (an hour with the twins when they are at the house)
Friday - No boys this day so Payton and I ran a bunch of needed errands and dropped by to visit Nana for lunch and then met Aunt Kelsey at the mall to finish out the day

 Saturday - Laundry, cleaning, etc. Made some snacks for the friends we had coming to visit. Our great friends the Ainsworths were in town for a quick weekend visit to celebrate a birthday with family and made time for a quick visit yesterday. We miss them a lot! It was a short visit, but so nice to see them and for them to make time.

 Taylor (2) was such a little mama to Payton, they had fun playing together!
 This is what we came home to Saturday night after church!
The dogs had helped themselves to the trash can full of food, diapers and who knows what else.
We love our dogs, but there are times when I would gladly give them away!

We put Payton to bed and Kole cleaned up the mess while I went to the grocery store to get food for Sunday.

 Sunday - I went to church with Payton to volunteer for the 9am service while Kole got the house and some of the food ready. The Bears made the play-offs so we had the fam over for snacks and football.
The Bears pulled off the win pretty easily, thank goodness, Kole's in a good mood now :)
Our life isn't anything glamorous, and I am often guilty of overfilling our time (I'm working on this, there should really be a 12 step program!), BUT I have the most amazing husband who does more than his fair share, a beautiful, healthy baby girl, loving family close by (and afar ;) ) and the best friends. I love my life, thank God every day, and wouldn't change it for anything!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great post, Shannon. You'll really enjoy reading back over this some day. And it helps you understand why you might be absolutely exhausted sometimes! Those dogs, too! Man~!
