Friday, September 14, 2012

Catch Up

Due to the high number of pictures in this post and the fact that I have about 4 more posts to get to this one will be short and sweet!

We had the annual family Rockies game with my dad in August. It was Grant's first and the first time Payton understood we were going to a baseball game. She still isn't old enough to really sit and watch, but she had fun hanging with her peeps, eating ice cream, playing at the little park and wearing purple!

First Dipin Dots, loved them of course!

Thanks Papa for a great time as always!!
Playing at the park with Kari, Bri, and Lexi. More of Lexi's great pictures...

Playing at the park with Madi and the Platt kids, way too much fun!
Showing off a cute dress from Aunt Carol

Meeting new "friends" Little Andi is a few months older then Grant, but he thought she was pretty neat!

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