Friday, September 14, 2012

Five Months

Grant turned five months old on September 5th, I can't believe it's over a week passed already! At least this month I am closer to 5 months then 6 months and I do always manage to get pictures either the day of or right after. This month was a little better and easier in most ways.

Grant Robert @ 5 Months:

Measurements: none to report until his 6 month check up. He has been in 3-6 and 6 month clothing for a while now, but everything is starting to get a little snug so we will be on to the next size soon, just in time for the weather to change thankfully. Still in size 2 diapers.
Eating: This was better this month, he eats every 3-4 hours during the day and we started solid foods which he seems to enjoy. He has had rice cereal, oatmeal cereal and avocado. Not sure he tolerated the avocado well so we will wait a couple of weeks and try again. He usually eats a morning/lunch meal and a late afternoon one. We don't give him reflux meds in the morning and only occasionally at night so he is doing much better!
Sleeping: We ended up having a little sleep boot camp for him as we decided it was time for him (meaning selfishly, us) to sleep through the night. It took about 3-4 nights of letting him cry it out when he would wake before 5:30am. He never cried for more then 30 minutes and he really only screamed the first night and fussed the rest. Each night went a little better until he was consistently sleeping from between 7-8pm until 6-7am, up to eat and then back down until 7-8am! Yay Grant! He still will fuss once or twice during the night, but he always goes back to sleep. We are relieved now but it was a TOUGH couple of nights letting him cry. We dropped the night swaddle at the start of the sleep boot camp and never looked back. Naps are a different story. We still swaddle him as it seems to be the only way to get more then 20-30 minutes out of him. He usually does ok for his morning nap sometimes waking around 30-45min but goes back to sleep a lot of the time. In the afternoon he maybe gets an hour if we're lucky. I think he needs nap boot camp and I am fine with letting him cry it out in the morning, but Payton's nap is at the same time in the afternoon and I am not willing to risk hers yet so we will see.
Tricks: The boy can squeal! It's pretty funny to hear, he is loud and knows he is doing it. We will chase Payton around holding him and he just screeches with excitement. He is rolling everywhere, both directions, and can cover a lot of ground in a short period of time. He can sit unsupported for a minute or two and for a while if he has the bobby pillow to help. His cooing is turning in to sounds of "ma", "da" and "na". He has discovered the dogs and is fascinated with them, watching them and reaching for them if they are around. Big sis is still his favorite.

Happy 5 Months buddy, you are such a joy and we thank you for sleeping better!!

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