Friday, September 14, 2012

Solid Food

We started Grant on solid food shortly after his four month appointment. We started with rice cereal, he wasn't too sure at first, gagging some and making weird faces, but over time he has gotten the hang of it and I would say even enjoys eating now. With stuck with just rice or oatmeal cereal for the first month to give his little tummy lots of time to adjust. I was really worried it would mess him up again, but honestly it's been fine. I decided to make my own food again since it went well with Payton and this is what I started with. Avocados, bananas, pears, peaches, and sweet potatoes, I follow the guidelines of a book called "Super Baby Food". We gave him avocados first, right around five months, but after a couple of days I decided to stop as it seemed to be upsetting his tummy a bit. we'll try again in a few weeks. After a few more days of just cereal I gave him some banana, he really liked it and it didn't seem to bother him at all. He had some pears for the first time this morning so we will see.

We started with just one meal of cereal at night and have added a second in the morning (sometimes it's lunch) that includes the other food we are giving him. So far it's going pretty well, he is always watching us eat and reaching for our food and drinks so he was ready!

My food cubes, these will feed him for at least a month, probably two and it cost less then $10! You can feed them avocados raw and ripened so I didn't freeze any, same with bananas, but they are hard to keep around sometimes so I went ahead and froze some. The rest had to be steamed first. The whole process took maybe a total of two hours, not bad!

He is a total mess when he eats! He spits already, puts his hands in his mouth while "chewing", grabs at the spoon constantly, spilling food everywhere. At the end of a meal he, the highchair and a lot of times the feeder are covered. I forgot how baby cereal turns to glue when it dries! I have a few videos to post when I can figure out how to get them from my iPhone to the blog.

We have also given him a sippy cup to practice with, he loves playing with it, but doesn't really get the drinking part yet.

About a week ago I gave him Baby Mum Mum's, I discovered these with Payton and she loved them. There are just a rice cracker that dissolves almost instantly so no chocking but he gets to practice putting food in his mouth. I bought the banana flavored ones since he had already tried banana with no reactions. He LOVES them and they keep him entertained for quite sometime.

Grant Robert you are growing up way too fast, slow down!!

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