Friday, September 14, 2012

Payton's First Day of "School"

Payton started a Mom's Day Out (MDO) program on Friday mornings. She was so excited to go, we went to the open house a couple of weeks ago and she has been asking almost every day since if we can "go to stool". It was lady bug day and the kids were asked to wear red and or black, turns out we had a perfect shirt for the occasion!

I warned her I would be dropping her off and leaving and she couldn't have been more ok with it.

She is such a sweet, independent kid who loves an opportunity to make and play with friends. Her teachers said she did great and when I picked her up she asked "to go back to stool" before we made it to the car so I guess she like it!

Me and my two, I am one lucky girl!
First "school" project, it was too cute

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