Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2nd Birthday

Friday April 6th, we celebrated Payton's 2nd Birthday at our house with my mom and Kelsey and Josh. We left the hospital to bring Grant home at about 12:00 pm the same day. We could have stayed another night, but since Grant was doing great and I was feeling pretty good we decided we would rather be home with Payton and celebrate her birthday. We just got a cake and she opened a few gifts, since she doesn't remember her first birthday bash she thought it was a pretty cool celebration.

She has been to a few of her little friends' parties recently and didn't understand she couldn't help blow out candles and open presents. She was pretty thrilled that it was her turn!

The girl has a serious sweet tooth, we have to keep goodies out of sight or she will ask us for them constantly and then fight us on eating the healthy stuff. She may or may not get the sweet tooth from me!

Payton Audrey @ 2

Height: 33 inches - 45 percentile
Weight 26.5 pounds - 45 percentile

According to the nurse's measurements she didn't grow the last 6 months, which I know isn't true because she is wearing mostly 2T and 3T clothing, 2 sizes bigger then she was at 18 months. Kole watched them measure her and said it was accurate so we're thinking they missed the mark at her 18 month appointment. She still seems pretty big to us, but she seems to have averaged out. She is still taking one nap a day for 1 1/2 - 2 hours and sleeps between 10 and 11 hours at night. We have been through a few tough phases with her where she wakes up crying during the night and we have to go in and settle her down. Sometimes it feels like she slept better as an infant than as a 2 year old! She's a pretty good eater when she wants to be. She's picky about vegetables and meat, but we can usually get her to try most anything once. Breakfast is still her biggest meal and then she eats less as the day goes on. She has quite the fun, sweet, stubborn personality and she says things that just make us laugh. A few Paytonisms I want to remember from this stage:

"Come get you me" = chase me
"Toppee" = coffee - she knows Starbucks by the logo
"Bobom" = bottom
"oh my gosh"
"oh my Jesus" - we have no idea where this came from
"oh shit" - totally inappropriate and totally my fault, and pretty funny coming out of her sweet little mouth. I guess I let it slip a few too many times. She doesn't know she is saying anything bad and we don't react when she says it, which isn't very often. She says it at the most random times and the funny thing is she totally uses it in the right context. Hopefully she won't hear me say it again and it will just fade from her vocabulary
She knows her full name, Kole's full name and that I am Shannon Harms

She loves to sing, dance, watch cartoons, play hide n seek and be outside. She loves her people (family and friends) more then anything and loves having them around and talks about them all of the time. She is exhibiting some of those less then desirable two year old behaviours, but for the most part she is still a happy, sweet kid.

Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Girl, we love you more then anything!

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