Wednesday, May 23, 2012

One Month

On May 5th the little man turned one month old! Everyone tells you that "it goes by so fast" when you have kids and it's not that you don't believe them, but until you are in the midst of life at warp speed you can't really grasp it. Our first month with two kids was hard, especially the first couple of weeks. Grant was a more typical new born then Payton in the fact that he didn't really want to sleep much and night when we first brought him home and we were up a lot and had him sleeping on us quite a bit just to catch a break. Payton must have been feeling left out because she started getting up several times a night too, never at the same time as him though and only mommy was permitted to tend to her. It was rough! By the end of the first month we figured out he didn't like to be flat on his back (possibly from the mild reflux we think he has) and putting his bed on an incline did the trick, we also got her to normal sleep and began our own recovery from sleep deprivation. 
Grant Robert @ One Month

Measurements: our doctor doesn't see him again until 2 months so no update, but he is filling up his clothes fast so we know he is growing! He is in size 1-2 diapers (Costco's smallest) and 0-3 month or 3 month clothing depending on the brand, no newborn clothes this time around, he blew right past that size.
Eating: He eats every 2-3 hours during the day and usually only twice during the night. We gave him a bottle his third night home as mom's body needed a break and he did great and has taken one at night and during the day when needed ever since. Around two weeks old we gave him a bottle of formula at night to get him used to it and to buy us some extra sleep, he takes them just fine as well.
Sleep: Once he settled in and we got him on a good routine he started sleeping from 9-9:30 pm to about 2:30 am and then would make it anywhere from 4:30-6:00 am after that. We are very thankful for the long stretch and try to get to bed as soon after we get him down as we can. During the day he is mostly on a sleep, eat, awake schedule that repeats every 2-3 hours, there have been a few days where he will sleep for about an hour during Payton's nap time, pure bliss for this feeling very behind momma!
He is a sweet little boy who loves to be held and to snuggle, he's not a big fan of being by himself, but we are working on it. He loves his big sister and anytime he hears her voice he stops crying and looks for her. He spits up a lot and we think he may have reflux, our doctor has put him on some medicine to see if it helps. He loves to eat, but isn't very good at it. He doesn't time his breathing very well and is a bad gulper so gets lots of air that makes him pretty uncomfortable during the whole burping process.

One week

Two weeks

3 weeks

A comparison of Grant and Payton at one month, different but alike!

I was bathing Grant in the mornings, but decided it would be easier to bathe him with Payton in the evening when I have Kole around to help. Having him in the tub doesn't leave a whole lot of room for her,
 but she doesn't seem to mind. He of courses loves it, he loves his baths and this way he gets to look at his sister.

Speaking of Payton, she is still doing great with him, she is very helpful and motherly and is always handing me diapers, throwing them out, telling me when he cries and forever putting a pacifier in his mouth. Her behaviour with us is a whole different story. I think new a 2 year old + new baby + lack of sleep for said 2 year old is a recipe for disaster, at least that's our story right now. We are working through it though, taking lots of deep breaths and trying my hardest in the toughest moments to remember to be thankful for two beautiful healthy children and that this is only a season in our lives with them. I would be lying if I said I don't struggle to keep my cool sometimes!

Miscelaneous pictures from out first month home...

Uncle Brian snuck away for a quick surprise visit to meet his new nephew. We love our families so much and I'm so glad he got the chance. He will be off to New Mexico soon where he will be stationed and flying Drones for the US Air Force, we are so proud and can't wait to visit!!

I work with and for the most wonderful people, this was their gift to Grant, you can't see it, but it was a bunch of great little goodies packaged so nicely in a miniature Red Flyer wagon, too cute!

Grants first bath, his chord was gone within a week, he wasn't too sure at first and then settled right in, he now LOVES his daily bath time

1 comment:

  1. He's such a handsome little guy! The first month with Mason as a newborn was REALLY challenging for me, too. Hang in there...I'm not going to say it gets perfect but you do find your groove. Of course I'm still working on that (and keeping my cool...something about 2 kids really tests your patience more!).
