Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Harms Visit

We had almost 2 weeks of Harms family visit and it flew by! Grandma and Grandpa came for a week and spent time loving on the kids and helping us out with house projects, a wedding trip, and a birthday party. We had one crazy weekend while they were here and we wouldn't have survived it without them! Kole and his dad had grand plans of painting the deck for Payton's party, the weather didn't cooperate very well and they were only able to get the railing completed which didn't really matter as we partied inside due to weather. They did finish it up after the party and it looks awesome! I post an after picture in an upcoming post about all of the house updates we have completed in the last couple of months.

One of Payton's favorite things to do is help with projects, she helped Grandpa get the deck ready for painting

Loving on Uncle Kyle, this girl (and boy) have the best Aunt and Uncles!

We're so lucky to have Grandma in good health and willing to brave airports and airplanes to come see us. Payton had a great time with her "dreat dama" and Grant was spoiled with love and cuddles, just what Great Grandmas are for!

Grandma Audrey 2 years ago with Payton!

Grandma with her Great Grand-kids :)
Do you see how much they look lke her??

Uncle Kyle helped set up the sandbox Papa gave her for her birthday, she loves it!

Uncle Kyle hid eggs for Payton, it was her third hunt and she knew the ropes! We had to ration the amount of candy in each egg as we learned that she like to open up each one and eat what's inside of it!

We hate that they are all so far away, but are blessed to be able to visit and have them come to visit. Can't wait to see you all in June. Love you!!

1 comment:

  1. How lucky to have in-laws who tackle these great projects! That looks like a great sandbox...if y'all lived close, I'm sure the boys would love to come over and play. And Grant is already growing so much!
