Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Payton's 2nd Birthday Party

We decided with a new baby brother and grandparents in town Payton needed a birthday party this year. We were just going to do something small, but there is always next year ;)

We invited all of her/our friends and family, rented a bouncy castle (a huge hit with P!) and had food and drinks. I planned on keeping it simple, but even simple can turn in to a lot of work when you have a new born and you spent the night before up in Fort Collins for a wedding! Thankfully we had Kole's parents in town staying with us and they were a huge help, as always.

The weather was supposed to be wet and cold, something we will have to deal with for years to come with both kids birthdays', so we had them set the bouncy castle up in the garage. The weather didn't turn out to be as wet and cold as they were calling for, but the garage was the right place. The kids had fun and Payton woke up the next morning and went straight to the garage looking for it, we had to explain that it wasn't her bouncy castle and that some other kid was enjoying it now at their birthday party.

We had been to a few of her friends parties before hers so she knew all about blowing out candles and opening presents, she was thrilled it was her "birday pawty" as she was pretty upset when she couldn't help her friends with their candles and presents.

Thanks to all who helped and came to celebrate, we have the most wonderful group of friends and family surrounding us, we couldn't do life without you!

(my apologies for picture-ful posts, not enough time to pick and choose these days and I am so far behind!)

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